
Clinical Experience

Candidates are exposed to all the clinical areas including specialized units and the community centers. They are expected to co relate and practice nursing as per theoretical knowledge. Clinical supervision is done by trained and experienced clinical instructors, nursing supervisors and staff nurses.

Community Health Experience

Is a part of study programme, students are posted in Rural and Urban areas as per the specification of Indian Nursing Council syllabus.


Modern up to date library facilities are provided within the building. However each student is encouraged to buy their own books. Trained and experienced librarian is there to help and guide the students. The total number of books (Latest) are available, numbering over 4,000 volumes of various titles.


Buses Facilities are provided to candidates attending college and areas of clinical experience.

Vacation and Holidays

As per the university rules and specification.

Internal Assessment

25% of the total marks are set apart as an internal assessment, which is calculated as under. As per the guidelines of University Periodical Tests, Assignments, Nursing care studies, Nursing Care Plans, case presentation are conducted. In addition to above, regular tests are conducted after each unit. Practical examinations are conducted at least twice in the year and the average is taken. Regular clinical evaluation is also included.

Health Service

The VNS College of Nursing health services is under the direction of the physician and health nurse. Complete physical examinations are done on admission and yearly thereafter. Immunization is given whenever required.. Any excess leave will be deducted from the annual leave. Minimum amount will be charged for Medical Service on yearly basis.

Teaching Facilities

The College is also equipped with modern teaching facilities. LCD Projector, Charts, O.H.P. slides, specimen, models and films are used as aids in teaching. Field trips are made in connection with some courses.

Clinical Facilities

The clinical facilities of VNS Hospital and Research Center is excellent for the study and care of Patients. The hospital has a capacity of 300 beds with all the Clinical specialties. It offers services in medicine, surgery, orthopaedics, Pediatrics ,Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Unit College is also associated with 400 bedded Government District Hospital, Bhopal