Animal House


Experimentation on animals in course of medical research and education is covered by provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and Breeding and Experiments on Animals (Control & Supervision) Rules of 1998, 2001 and 2006 framed under the Act. These are enforced by the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), a statutory body under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Under these provisions, the concerned establishments are required to, constitute IAEC, get their Animal House Facilities inspected by the nominee recommended through CPCSEA and get registered as “CPCSEA approved Animal House Facility”, and also get specific projects for research approved by CPCSEA before commencing the research on animals. Further, breeding and trade of animals for such experimentation are also regulated under these Rules.


CPCSEA guidelines recommended under the provision of prevention of cruelty to Animal act 1960, to promote the humane care of animals used in biomedical and behavioral research and testing with the basic objective of providing specifications that will enhance animal well-being, to avoid unnecessary pain before, during and after experiments . Also to provide guidelines for housing, care, breeding, maintenance, and acceptable experimental procedures for anesthesia and euthanasia. This may tends to improve quality in the pursuit of advancement of biological knowledge that is relevant to humans and animals.

Institutional Animal Ethical Committee

The primary aim of the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (IAEC) is to ensure that all animal care and experiments are conducted in accordance with the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) guidelines under “ Breeding of an Experiment on Animals (Control and Supervision ) Rules 1998” (amended during 2001 and 2006). Institutional Animal Ethical Committee” constitutes group of members recognized and registered by the Committee for the purpose of control and supervision of experiments on animals performed in an establishment which is constituted and operated in accordance with procedures specified for the purpose by the CPCSEA.

House Facility

The Animal House Facility consist of-
Animal Quarantine Room Animal Housing Room Animal Breeding Room Experiments Room Record keeping Room Store Room for drugs and chemicals Store room for cage, husk feed and feeding bottles Sanitation area Waste Disposable area Disposable Pit for Animal disposal

Animals Housing Facility

Albino rats White rat (Rattus norvegicus) is the commonest laboratory animal used in experimental pharmacology. Rats are easy to breed and maintain. Rats being small in size resemble men in several organ function and nutrition, and sensitive to most drugs.

Albino mouse-White mice are the smallest laboratory animals used. Mice are also easy to breed and maintain due to their small size they are easy to handle. They are sensitive to most of the drugs which are used in experimental pharmacology. Usually used in study of toxicity, bioassay, analgesic testing, CNS active drug and chemotherapeutic agents.

Rabbit– Inbreed rabbit are generally used for pyrogen testing. Some of the tissue or organs from rabbits are also used like heart, arota, duodenum and ileum.

Physiological Data on Laboratory animal

Parameters Rat Mouse Rabbit
Life Span (yrs) 2-3 1-2 4-5
Urine Excretion (ml/day) 10-15 1-3 200-300
Respiratory Rate (Breaths/min) 80-150 90-180 35-60
Heart Rate (Beats/min) 260-450 300-750 205-308
Blood Volume 50-65 70-80 45-70


S.No. Area of Research
1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
2. Ischemia & reperfusion injury in brain and heart
3. Diabetes mellitus
4. Ulceratic colitis
5. Wound healing
6. Inflammatic diseases
7. Pharmacokinetics of various studies
8. Metabolic disorders